What's wrong with peeling of the instep

Bifrost Ask on 2024-03-29 12:24:59
Recommended answer

If it is peeling in winter, the first thing to consider is that it has something to do with dry skin. At this time, you can apply vitamin E cream locally, and moisturizing treatment can improve. If peeling is accompanied by itching and discomfort, it may be tinea pedis or eczema. Tinea pedis is a kind of superficial fungal dermatosis, which can cause scaly keratosis, etc. Local desquamation and fungal microscopic examination are positive, and fungal hyphae can be found. Eczema is generally distributed symmetrically, and desquamation can occur in chronic eczema. If foot peeling is related to eczema or tinea pedis, it is recommended to go to the local hospital for further treatment.

Bifrost 2024-04-01 17:18:28

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