How to treat vaginitis with traditional Chinese medicine

Rain in early summer Ask questions at 06:52:39, April 3, 2024
Recommended answer

Traditional Chinese medicine treats vaginitis mainly by taking Chinese medicine orally, washing the vulva with Chinese medicine liquid or sitting bath, and smearing the vulva with Chinese medicine ointment. In traditional Chinese medicine, vaginitis is mainly divided into cold dampness type and damp heat type. If it is cold dampness type, it needs to take orally some drugs to warm yang and dissipate cold. If it is damp heat type, it needs to take orally some drugs to clear heat and promote dampness. Therefore, for each type of vaginitis, oral medication is also different. This needs to go to the hospital for a face to face diagnosis. It needs to look, hear, ask, and prescribe medicine for the symptoms to have a good effect. At the same time, it can be used with external lotion and ointment to alleviate the symptoms.

Rain in early summer 2024-04-07 11:22:55

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