What to do if eczema develops on the head

Calm coast Ask questions at 15:41:45 on April 7, 2024
Recommended answer

After eczema on the head, we need to use drugs to treat it. Common antihistamines, such as cyproheptadine, chlorphenamine, diphenhydramine, etc., can control the disease through these oral drugs. For some patients with serious symptoms, we can also control the disease by intravenous injection of 10% calcium gluconate, or sodium thiosulfate. In addition, Compound glycyrrhizin or glucocorticoid drugs also have therapeutic effects. Or we can choose immunosuppressants, such as tripterygium wilfordii, for oral treatment. As for external medicine, if eczema on the head is accompanied with exudation, it can be wet applied with normal saline, or cold wet applied with 2% to 3% boric acid solution. If the exudation decreases, we can use 40% zinc oxide oil for external application. In addition, after eczema grows on your head, you should try to avoid scratching to avoid serious complications caused by secondary infection, and also avoid some irritant factors, such as boiling water, scalding, etc. The diet should be light, and you should not eat spicy and irritant food.

Calm coast 2024-04-07 11:48:47

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