How long after taking amlodipine besylate tablets

Rosette Ask questions at 03:59:10, March 30, 2024
Recommended answer

Amlodipine besylate tablet is a long-term antihypertensive drug. Therefore, it takes a relatively long time to take effect. Generally, it can start to reduce blood pressure 1~2 hours after taking it. The plasma concentration of amlodipine reaches the peak within 6~12 hours, which can maintain the plasma concentration for 24 hours. Generally, after 7~8 days of continuous administration, the plasma concentration of amlodipine reaches a stable state. That is to say, if the blood concentration in the body is maintained at a stable level, the effect of continuous and stable control of blood pressure can be achieved. Especially for the elderly patients with systolic hypertension, the antihypertensive effect is quite obvious. The pharmacokinetics of amlodipine was not affected by renal function damage. Therefore, patients with renal failure can still receive routine initial dose of drug treatment.

Rosette 2024-04-01 17:27:06

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