What to do if my throat is uncomfortable

A rose that never withers Ask questions at 11:46:40 on April 2, 2024
Recommended answer

The throat discomfort is mainly caused by throat itching, pharyngeal foreign body sensation, dry throat, weak speech, slight hoarseness and other uncomfortable symptoms. How to treat it is related to its specific causes. The symptoms of pharyngeal itching, dry throat, and foreign body sensation in the pharynx are generally the symptoms of chronic pharyngitis when the foreign body in the pharynx is excluded. In this case, drug treatment is generally not required. Pay attention to smoking and drinking cessation, avoid spicy and irritant food, avoid dusty environment, drink more water, and gargle with salt water. The patients with weak speech and slight hoarseness are mostly caused by the thickening of vocal cord mucosa caused by long-term inappropriate use of voice and loud shouting. The patients need to stop speaking properly to avoid loud shouting. If the hoarseness is aggravated, they need to seek medical attention in time to eliminate the possibility of vocal cord polyps.

A rose that never withers 2024-04-07 11:47:18

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