Why does the glans have wrinkles

Nowhere to find in the snow Ask questions at 19:55:38, March 28, 2024
Recommended answer

Wrinkle on glans is a common phenomenon, which is usually caused by moisture of glans caused by foreskin and scaling. At this time, there will be obvious itching sensation of glans, and there will be a peculiar smell of glans. In addition, when suffering from balanitis, the irritation of inflammation will also cause wrinkles on the glans, which will be accompanied by symptoms such as redness, swelling and pain of the glans, and pain at the urethral orifice. After the discomfort occurs, it is recommended to clean it with water or Jieeryin. Change your underwear frequently at ordinary times to avoid scratching the affected part, so as not to damage the glans skin, aggravate the disease and affect the recovery of glans wrinkles.

Nowhere to find in the snow 2024-04-01 17:22:08

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