How to deal with the elderly's lethargy during the day and insomnia at night

Forty one flowers for men Ask on 2024-04-07 20:23:49
Recommended answer

The elderly are lethargic during the day and insomnia at night. We should find out whether it is caused by organic diseases, and then treat insomnia symptoms according to the characteristics of organic diseases. If the elderly suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, they will suffer from insomnia at night and lethargy during the day. It is suggested that the elderly should timely use professional methods to treat the primary disease. Once the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is controlled, the phenomenon of lethargy during the day and insomnia at night will be improved. If the elderly have digestive system diseases, they will also have sleepiness in the daytime and insomnia at night. For example, for gastric ulcer, patients will lose sleep at night due to pain, and sleep in the daytime the next day. It is suggested that patients should improve their symptoms and living habits in a timely manner through drugs, and pay attention not to eat spicy and irritant food to avoid aggravating the symptoms of gastric ulcer.

Forty one flowers for men 2024-04-07 11:50:18

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