How to judge endometriosis

Sunflowers on trees Ask questions at 05:55:45 on April 3, 2024
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According to the location of endometriosis, endometriosis can be divided into ovarian endometriosis (chocolate cyst), adenomyosis, and other special parts, such as ureteral endometriosis, endometriosis that erodes into the intestines, and endometriosis that erodes into the bladder. There are different clinical symptoms according to the location of endometriosis implantation, but the more unified symptom is progressive dysmenorrhea. If it is endometriosis of ovary or pelvic cavity, it will also be associated with infertility. Adenomyosis has severe dysmenorrhea and abnormal menstruation, such as increased menstruation, prolonged menstruation, and endless menstruation. If endometriosis is ectopic to the intestines, there will be menstrual diarrhea and bloody stool. If endometriosis reaches the urinary system, there will be menstrual hematuria. Based on the above clinical symptoms, it is preliminarily considered that endometriosis is possible.

Sunflowers on trees 2024-04-07 11:32:40

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