How to deal with inflammation of external auditory canal

be neither humble nor pushy Ask on 2024-03-28 20:18:17
Recommended answer

Patients with inflammation of the external auditory canal should go to the hospital in time for treatment, and try to avoid self medication. Usually, the doctor will first clean the secretion of the external auditory canal of the patient. Inflammation of the external auditory canal is usually caused by bacterial or fungal infection, so detailed examination should be carried out to identify the pathogen and targeted treatment. If the disease is caused by bacterial infection, antibiotics can be used for treatment. For fungal external otitis, the patient can apply miconazole nitrate cream for treatment. The patient should pay attention to the ear hygiene at ordinary times. Do not use sharp objects to pull out the ear, and also avoid using fingers to pull out the ear, so as to avoid infection. During the treatment, pay attention to the light diet and eat less spicy and stimulating food.

be neither humble nor pushy 2024-04-01 17:01:28

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