What causes headaches sometimes

Looking for a bosom friend Ask on April 2, 2024:23:11:33
Recommended answer

Sometimes there are many reasons for headache. Don't worry too much. Some patients may be caused by mental factors, such as not having a good rest, insomnia or often staying up late, playing mobile phones all night, etc. Sometimes it is because of high pressure in life, work or study, high mental tension, or smoking a lot of cigarettes, drinking a lot of wine, etc, These times can lead to headaches. Sometimes the headache may be caused by a cold, fever, sinusitis, or migraine. Sometimes headache may be related to neurological problems, such as cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, brain inflammation, head trauma, etc. If the headache is not very severe, it should not be a problem. If it is very painful and getting worse, you need to go to the hospital in time.

Looking for a bosom friend 2024-04-07 11:22:11

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