How to treat lumbar hyperplasia

The night is dim Ask questions on 2024-03-28 16:56:21
Recommended answer

If the patient has lumbar hyperplasia, the treatment method is as follows: First, hot compress, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, massage and other treatments can be used to improve the lumbar blood circulation, promote inflammatory edema at the hyperosteogeny site, absorb and subside, so as to alleviate the symptoms of lumbar hyperosteogeny. Second, after the patients have lumbar hyperosteogeny, they can also take non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, together with drugs for activating blood circulation and dredging collaterals and cartilage nutrition drugs, to promote the reduction and recovery of symptoms of lumbar hyperosteogeny. Third, in case of lumbar hyperosteogeny, if lumbar spinal canal stenosis, lateral recess stenosis, spinal cord in the spinal canal, or obvious compression of nerve root are caused, surgery must be performed to relieve nerve compression, so as to promote the reduction and recovery of nerve compression symptoms.

The night is dim 2024-04-01 17:27:10

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