How did urethritis come about

Forget the past Ask questions at 13:32:41 on April 6, 2024
Recommended answer

The reason why external bacteria enter urethritis through the external opening of the urethra is that the patient's autoimmune ability is low. External bacteria enter the urethra and bladder through the external opening of the urethra, leading to urethritis and even cystitis. Female patients are more prone to develop it, because female urethras are short, wide and straight, and are more likely to be retroactively infected by bacteria around the vagina and anus. Some patients may also be infected with urethritis if they have dirty sex. If women have gynecological diseases, it will increase the incidence of urethritis. When having sex, the bacteria in the vagina will also enter the male urethra, leading to male urethritis. Patients with urethritis should be treated with antibiotics in the urology department in time.

Forget the past 2024-04-07 11:20:36

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