How did you get candidal vaginitis

Roses in the wrong season Ask on 2024-03-27 06:50:29
Recommended answer

Candidal vaginitis, commonly known as mycotic vaginitis, is a common vaginal vulvae inflammation in clinical practice, which is caused by fungal infection, most commonly candida. The main causes of mycotic vaginitis infection: First, the body's resistance and immunity are reduced, such as women in pregnancy, diabetic patients, women who use antibiotics and immunosuppressants for a long time. 2、 Due to improper health care, such as wearing pads and tight clothes, and not changing sanitary napkins frequently, the vulva is in a humid, warm and airtight environment for a long time, which is easy to breed mold. 3、 Sexual hygiene is also one of the common reasons. Therefore, strengthening health care, removing the above causes and enhancing resistance are important means to prevent mycotic vaginitis.

Roses in the wrong season 2024-04-01 17:09:48

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