How to treat postoperative inflammatory ileus

A fire in winter Ask questions at 17:19:24 on March 27, 2024
Recommended answer

Postoperative inflammatory ileus requires anti infective treatment. In addition, treatment such as diet prohibition, intestinal lavage and nutritional support should be carried out to promote the absorption of inflammation and the recovery of intestinal obstruction. Postoperative inflammatory intestinal obstruction is often caused by postoperative intestinal inflammation, which is common after the operation of acute suppurative cholecystitis, acute suppurative appendicitis, and digestive tract perforation. Early fasting and effective antibiotic anti infection treatment should be given after operation. And maintain the balance of water and electricity to prevent electrolyte disorder. Regularly recheck blood routine examination, electrolyte, abdominal B ultrasound and other examinations, and feed fluids after the intestinal obstruction is recovered.

A fire in winter 2024-04-01 16:34:04

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