How can diabetes be detected?

Colorful Cloud Flying Ask questions at 10:40:09 on April 2, 2024
Recommended answer

There are many patients with type 1 diabetes, with typical symptoms of more than three or less, or spontaneous ketosis, so many people can detect diabetes in time. For patients with type 2 diabetes, the onset of the disease is relatively slow, and the disease is relatively mild. Therefore, many patients are found to have elevated blood sugar when they have chronic complications or concomitant diseases, or health examinations. Only 50% of patients may have more than three or less symptoms. In addition, some type 2 diabetic patients have delayed insulin secretion peak after eating, and may have hypoglycemia before the next meal, which is called reactive hypoglycemia. However, some patients went to see a doctor because of skin itching or blurred vision.

Colorful Cloud Flying 2024-04-07 11:44:50

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