What are the treatment methods for children's viral herpetic angina

Thank you for your experience Ask questions on 2024-03-31 04:55:37
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The specific treatment methods for children with viral herpetic angina are as follows: 1. Give antiviral treatment, treat mild cases with oral antiviral oral liquid and ribavirin granules, and treat severe cases with intravenous infusion of antiviral drugs, such as adenosine arabinoside for injection. 2. For the treatment of herpes, spray medicine on the herpes site. The commonly used drugs are ribavirin spray or Kaihoujian spray, which can be sprayed locally several times a day. 3. The child will be accompanied by fever. If the temperature is lower than 38 ℃, you can drink more water and repeatedly use warm water to wipe for antipyretic treatment. When the child's temperature is higher than 38 ℃, oral antipyretic drugs, such as ibuprofen granules or acetaminophen, can be used. In case of continuous high fever, it is necessary to apply intramuscular injection or intravenous infusion of antipyretic drugs under the guidance of the hospital doctor when necessary. 4. Eat a balanced and reasonable diet. Eat a diet that is easy to digest. Avoid eating fish, shrimp, egg cattle, mutton and other foods, which is not conducive to the recovery of herpes. During the disease, ensure adequate water intake, and at the same time ensure adequate sleep, which is conducive to the recovery of the disease.

Thank you for your experience 2024-04-01 17:08:00

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