How to treat cerebral infarction

Rosette Ask on 2024-04-05 21:22:56
Recommended answer

For ultra early treatment, if the patient is within 3 hours or 4.5 hours of onset, intravenous thrombolysis can be applied. The treatment in the acute phase is mainly to control risk factors, monitor blood pressure, blood lipid, blood sugar, give antiplatelet aggregation, regulate lipid, stabilize plaque, promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, improve circulation, protect brain cells, and also can cooperate with vasodilator drugs and neuroprotective agents for symptomatic treatment. The rehabilitation treatment is mainly aimed at recuperating some symptoms of neurological dysfunction such as limb dysfunction, speech disorder, dysphagia, choking and coughing when drinking water. It can be combined with acupuncture, physiotherapy, massage, hot compress, rehabilitation treatment to promote the recovery of neurological function. The diet should be light.

Rosette 2024-04-07 11:29:46

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