What to do when a two-and-a-half year old baby coughs

The fragrance of wild lotus Ask on 2024-03-31 01:23:35
Recommended answer

When a child coughs, the first thing to do is to identify the cause and observe whether the child has a fever. General cough is mainly related to upper respiratory tract infection. Relevant tests should be completed to determine whether it is viral or bacterial infection, and corresponding antiviral drugs and antibiotics should be given symptomatic treatment. The second consideration is that allergies caused by dust or decoration smell can also lead to coughing. Pay attention to keeping the baby's living area clean, change clean sheets and clothes in time, and use air purifiers in the baby's living area if possible. Loratadine can also be taken to relieve allergic symptoms. In life, help children to recuperate and let them eat some ice sugar pears. Take the child to have a blood routine examination to confirm the cause of cough and provide symptomatic treatment. Usually, the child must pay attention to rest and not stay up late.

The fragrance of wild lotus 2024-04-01 17:15:21

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