How is chronic conjunctivitis treated?

Beautiful mood Ask questions at 06:57:51, March 30, 2024
Recommended answer

The treatment of chronic conjunctivitis is mainly based on the cause of disease. In addition, it is necessary to use antibiotic eye drops for eye drops according to the medical advice, and artificial tears when necessary. The common causes of chronic conjunctivitis include bacterial infection, stimulation of adverse environment, influence of eye diseases, bad living habits, etc. The symptoms of chronic conjunctivitis are characterized by eye discomfort, white foamy secretions, mild or insignificant congestion of the eyelid conjunctiva. The course of chronic conjunctivitis is generally more than three weeks, and some chronic conjunctivitis will be delayed and will take six months to one year to cure. Some serious conjunctivitis cannot be completely cured. Chronic conjunctivitis refers to the chronic inflammation of conjunctival tissue caused by various reasons.

Beautiful mood 2024-04-01 17:00:54

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