What's wrong with my right side low back pain

Writing about breaking rivers and mountains Ask questions at 15:35:03, April 7, 2024
Recommended answer

Right side low back pain may be related to the following reasons: First, lumbar spondylosis. For example, lumbar disc herniation, lumbar hyperosteogeny, etc., lumbar spondylosis is mainly caused by the degeneration of the lumbar spine. Second, soft tissue diseases. For example, lumbar muscle strain, back myofasciitis, etc., these can also cause right side low back pain, and the pain becomes worse after fatigue or cold stimulation. Third, urinary system diseases. For example, right ureteral stone, kidney stone, etc. Fourth, female reproductive system diseases. For example, pelvic inflammation, adnexitis, etc. Fifth, bad living habits. For example, the long-term poor posture of the waist, cold stimulation, etc., are also easy to cause right side low back pain.

Writing about breaking rivers and mountains 2024-04-07 11:38:58

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