How to deal with breast hyperplasia with axillary lymph nodes

Demon dispelling heaven and earth Ask on March 25, 2024-06:05:23
Recommended answer

It is necessary to find out the causes of axillary lymph nodes in breast hyperplasia as soon as possible and treat them accordingly. Under normal circumstances, the lymph nodes under the armpit are unable to touch abnormal changes such as swelling, adhesion and pain. The abnormal changes of axillary lymph nodes in patients with hyperplasia of mammary glands may be caused by infectious diseases. For example, hyperplasia of mammary glands combined with acute mastitis will show swelling and pain of axillary lymph nodes. Active anti infection treatment is required, and drugs with heat clearing and detoxification effects are also required; The formation of abscess requires incision, drainage and drainage. The abnormal changes of axillary lymph nodes in patients with breast hyperplasia may also be seen in patients with malignant tumors, the most common of which is breast cancer, which requires comprehensive treatment including surgery.

Demon dispelling heaven and earth 2024-04-01 17:01:25

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