How to regulate blood clots during menstruation

No object saves traffic Ask questions on 2024-03-26 22:43:37
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There is blood clot in the menstruation, which generally does not need special conditioning. The composition of the menstruation is that the shed endometrium is mixed with blood and discharged from the body together. If the blood is not discharged in time in the process of being discharged from the body, a large number of blood may appear, and the agglutination of small blood clots is a normal physiological phenomenon, without special conditioning. From the perspective of western medicine, it is not considered that small blood clots in the menstrual period are abnormal. However, if the menstrual volume is particularly large, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and obvious large blood clots, it should be considered as abnormal. It is necessary to further check the six sex hormones and the condition of endometrium to know whether there is abnormal hyperplasia of endometrium. If it is believed from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine that there is blood clot during menstruation, which is caused by blocked channels or cold, traditional Chinese medicine will take some drugs to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis and dredge channels and collaterals orally, and will also take acupuncture, scraping, and various treatment methods for treatment. It is necessary to go to the hospital for regular medical treatment, and ask the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to fully evaluate the condition before selecting an appropriate conditioning treatment scheme.

No object saves traffic 2024-04-01 17:06:32

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