Treatment of bulbar duodenitis

The fragrance of flowers Ask on April 3, 2024 22:32:21
Recommended answer

Duodenal bulbar inflammation mainly refers to the combined effect of Helicobacter pylori, gastric acid and bile on the mucosa of the duodenal bulbar, and the inflammation of the duodenal bulbar can also be caused by other infectious factors such as parasites, tubercle bacillus, etc. Clinical symptoms include epigastric pain, fullness, belching, acid regurgitation, nausea and vomiting, black stool and even hematemesis, which are generally considered to be related to Helicobacter pylori. Other common causes include chemical drugs, mental factors and bad living habits. The treatment mainly includes eradication of HP infection, which can be determined through C-13 and C-14 breath tests. If there is HP infection, standard quadruple bactericidal treatment is required, including two antibiotics plus one PPI plus one bismuth agent. The course of treatment is two weeks, and HP is rechecked four weeks after treatment. Other treatments include antacid to protect gastric mucosa, such as PPI, H2 receptor antagonist, and drugs to neutralize gastric acid. In addition, it is necessary to develop healthy eating and living habits, avoid eating some spicy and stimulating raw and cold food, eat less pickled and smoked food, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Food should be diversified, and avoid food preference. At the same time, we should give up smoking and drinking to ensure adequate sleep and a positive attitude.

The fragrance of flowers 2024-04-07 11:18:40

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