What's the matter with a pimple beside the nipple

Happy life Ask on April 3, 2024-05:01:07
Recommended answer

Small pimples beside the nipple generally refer to the Montessori node of the breast, which is a normal physiological phenomenon occurring after the pregnancy of women. It mainly refers to the hyperplasia of sebaceous glands around the areola of women, and the appearance of brown nodules. Women do not need to be too nervous and worried. If this happens, you can go to the hospital in time to carry out corresponding examinations and tests to determine whether you are pregnant, such as HCG examination or B-ultrasound examination. Women should pay attention to keep their nipples clean, avoid eating spicy or stimulating food, and also need to choose appropriate underwear, which should not be too small. The above health science knowledge is for reference only.

Happy life 2024-04-07 11:32:40

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