How to treat coronary groove herpes

A lotus lamp Ask questions on March 27, 2024-11:23:50
Recommended answer

Herpes is mainly caused by virus infection. It will come on when the body's resistance is low, and it is very easy to repeat. Therefore, adequate antiviral treatment is needed, and acyclovir and penciclovir ointment can be used externally, and antiviral drugs such as acyclovir tablets and famciclovir capsules can be taken orally at the same time, generally without any side effects. During treatment, pay attention to your diet and avoid bad eating habits. Avoid spicy food, smoking and drinking are harmful to the recovery of the disease. In particular, drinking can promote the recurrence of the disease, aggravate the symptoms of the disease, and pay attention to rest. Oral immunomodulatory drugs can assist in treatment.

A lotus lamp 2024-04-01 17:08:17

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