Sunscreen should be paid attention to in summer beauty and skin care

Middle age used to be old age Ask questions on 2024-06-18 00:36:28
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In hot summer, the focus of beauty and skin care should be sunscreen and freckle removal. It is necessary to pay attention to the way and method of sunscreen for skin. The correct sunscreen method can make your skin get perfect maintenance. Now, I will introduce some common sense about sunscreen and freckle removal.

Skin care:

1、 Cool and sunscreen all summer

Skin beauty makeup lecturer Kai Jun (microblog) shares his experience of refreshing sunscreen in summer

The skin is exposed to different degrees of sun, and the need for sun protection is certainly different. So office workers have a certain sunscreen program, while traveling will also have another sunscreen program.

1. There is always a moment of sunshine every day

Your sun protection needs: It is hard to avoid the sun on the way to work from 9 to 5, and it is also inevitable to bask in the sun during lunch time. I want to reduce the accumulated UV damage.

Sunshine says to you: don't always try to avoid me. Appropriate daily ultraviolet radiation can help deoxycholesterol in the skin to be converted into vitamin d, and promote the absorption of calcium, which is especially good for women and children. It is recommended that you contact me daily on the premise of basic protection.

Recommended sun protection index: spf10~30, pa~

Sun protection advice:

A After carefully applying the sunscreen on the whole face, do not rush to apply makeup. Wait for 2 minutes for the sunscreen to be absorbed before applying makeup. The makeup effect will be more conformable, and the phenomenon of "rubbing mud" will also be reduced.

B If you feel greasy after applying sunscreen, you can use transparent loose powder to cover up the greasy light and at the same time modify your skin color.

C The ultraviolet ray is still strong at the end of the day. It is recommended to prepare a sunscreen in the office and reapply it 20 minutes before the end of the day.

D If your office seat is unfortunately exposed to the sun, you must be good at using blinds to protect your breast enhancement products, and strengthen the use of sunscreen to prevent half of your face from being exposed to the sun for a long time and becoming "yin and yang face".

2. Short distance sunscreen tips

Your sunscreen needs: For a short trip of 2-3 days, you want to take a break from busy work and enjoy nature. The cosmetic bag should be light and practical.

Sunshine said to you: pack your bags and get close to me when you have the chance. Please don't be afraid of me. You may not know that I am helpful for rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, scleroderma and other diseases. After you have done the protection work, come and get close to me.

Recommended sun protection index: spf30~40, pa~

2、 A white cover a hundred ugly summer to whitening

Meifu Dajiahong (microblog) shares how to clean and whiten in summer

On May 13, CCTV's Weekly Quality Report exposed that the mercury content of some whitening and freckle removing cosmetics of brands such as "Guyun" and "Rongguifei" exceeded 60000 times, leading to mercury poisoning and even nephrotic syndrome among users. This makes many women who love beauty extremely frightened. What should Asians who love beauty do! As soon as the news was reported, it immediately became the focus of Sina Weibo. Some netizens even said, "Go ahead with tanning, and don't use whitening products anymore!" In fact, unqualified whitening products can be avoided with a little attention.

Choose a sunscreen, you will get good sunscreen effect. There are many kinds of sunscreen on the market. You should choose the product that suits you according to your needs. If you often go outdoors, then you should choose a sunscreen with a higher sun protection level to protect your skin.

Middle age used to be old age 2024-06-20 11:00:28

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