Anti radiation beauty method for office beauty

A piece of red paper Ask questions on 22:48:59, June 19, 2024
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For beautiful women in the office, computer radiation will hurt their skin. Therefore, if you are an office worker, you need to pay attention to radiation protection for your skin. Next, the beauty and skin care experts will introduce some specific radiation protection tips for office beauty.

Apply skin care lotion before going online

Although the damage to the appearance caused by the Internet is not a great enemy, the severe electromagnetic radiation should not be underestimated. The screen radiation generates static electricity, which is most likely to absorb dust. Long time face-to-face, it is more likely to cause spots and wrinkles. Therefore, before going online, it is advisable to apply skin care lotion and add a layer of light powder to increase the skin's resistance.

Thoroughly clean your skin after surfing the Internet

After surfing the Internet, the first task is to clean the skin. Use warm water and facial cleanser to thoroughly clean the face, remove the dust and dirt absorbed by static electricity, and then apply mild skin care products. Over time, it can reduce damage, moisturize and beautify the skin. This is really a bit of effort for women surfing the Internet, and has gained a lot.

Prepare a bottle of eye drops at ordinary times

If you don't want to see people the next day with red and swollen eyes, haggard face and dark circles under the eyes, you should not fight continuously for a long time, especially not stay up late to surf the Internet. Prepare a bottle of eye drops for emergencies.

Apply a cucumber slice after surfing the Internet

The method is: slice cucumber or potato, apply it on the double eyelid, close your eyes and refresh yourself for a few minutes; Or wet the frozen milk and herbal tea with gauze and apply them to the eyes to relieve eye fatigue and nourish the skin around the eyes.

More nutrition on weekdays

For people who often surf the Internet, it is important to increase nutrition. Vitamin B is very beneficial to mental workers. If you sleep late, the quality of sleep is not good. You should eat more animal livers, fresh fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamin B group substances.

Meat, fish and dairy products also help increase memory

Chocolate, wheat doughnuts, seafood and dried fruits can enhance the coordination of the nervous system and are the best snacks when surfing the Internet. Drink some medlar juice and carrot juice from time to time, which is also very effective for eye care and skin care. If you care about your appearance, drink carrot juice or fresh juice.

Often do gymnastics to eliminate fatigue

If you surf the Internet for a long time, you may feel dizzy, stiff fingers, sore back, and even lower limb edema and varicose veins. Therefore, we should do more gymnastics at ordinary times to maintain strong energy. If you lie flat on the bed before going to bed, relax your whole body, and put your head under the bed edge to alleviate the insufficiency of blood and oxygen supply in the back of the brain; Raise your feet and lie flat on the bed or sofa to reduce the edema of your feet, help blood flow back, and prevent varicose veins of lower limbs; In the process of surfing the Internet, stretch your waist from time to time, stretch your muscles or lean back on the chair, and force your hands backward to stretch the tense and tired lumbar muscles; You can also shake your fingers, which is the easiest way to completely relax your fingers. The amount of this kind of gymnastics is not large, but it is far more effective than sleeping in.

These skin care helpers can help you protect your skin from radiation. If you need to face the computer frequently, it is particularly important to pay attention to radiation protection for your skin. At present, there are many skin care products that have the effect of radiation protection. You can choose the appropriate skin care products according to your own situation.

A piece of red paper 2024-06-20 10:56:54

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