Force can remove small pimples

From the beginning Ask questions on 2024-06-18 15:16:29
Recommended answer

Don't squeeze small pimples, which seems to be a common sense of many people, but can't you squeeze real small pimples? Of course not, but to squeeze scientifically, which is a more effective way to remove acne. Now let me tell you how to squeeze the acne without leaving a scar. First is the tool! Prepare soft cutin lotion, youth stick, acne mask and eyebrow clip. Don't think it will be very complicated. Now work begins: 1. Clean. Wash your hands first, then your face. The best way to clean the face is to use the exfoliating mask to make the cuticle soft and the acne easier to squeeze out. 2. Apply soft cutin lotion. 3. Use the sterilized youth stick to squeeze acne. Remember to squeeze acne with the end with the smaller hole, which looks like an iron wire wound in a circle. Squeeze acne with the larger hole, which looks deeper and bulges into the circle. When squeezing, just put the opening of the acne in the middle of the circle and press down, or move slowly until the hole touches the edge of the iron wire. If you can't squeeze out at once, the driving direction may be different. You can try to turn around. 4. Many people can't pull out all the acne when they are squeezing. In fact, after pulling out acne, you will find that many acne have not been pulled up by the roots. At this time, as long as you take out the clip that pinches the eyebrow, use the corner to clip out a short section of acne, then the acne will be really clean. If you find that acne and pimples have reached a level that can be squeezed out easily, it is recommended that you still apply medicine! 5. After squeezing acne, in order to avoid inflammation, you can wash the wound with normal saline, or apply anti-inflammatory lotion and ointment on it, which can not only reduce inflammation, but also make the redness and swelling subside after squeezing.

From the beginning 2024-06-20 10:57:26

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