Autumn Nourishing Lung Beauty Recipe

Indifferent to life Ask on 2024-06-18 06:03:21
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Traditional Chinese medicine often says that as long as you look at your face, you can see that there are problems in those parts of your body. It is like the quality of the lungs directly affects our skin and appearance. If the lungs are not properly recuperated, it will cause dry skin, gaunt face, dry hair and other symptoms. Therefore, our daily skin care and beauty is not only to apply mask and skin care products, but also to pay attention to internal conditioning. Today, Xiao Bian will recommend some lung care tips to everyone.

Nourishing Lung Food Makes You Beautiful

1、 Good food for lungs

1. Pear

Now is the winter when heating begins. In addition to the smog weather, car exhaust and second-hand smoke, these have brought serious burden to the lungs. Eating pears in winter is sweet and sour, refreshing and juicy, which can clear the lungs and moisten the lungs, stop coughing and dissipate phlegm.

2. Almond

The most obvious symptom of lung discomfort is persistent cough. There are bitter and sweet almonds as the cough medicine. Bitter almond can cure cough, but it is poisonous and should not be eaten more; Sweet almonds are larger and flatter than bitter almonds. They tend to nourish and are mostly used for the elderly to cough.

3. Lily

People with autumn and winter dryness such as pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis and bronchiectasis can eat lily for conditioning and nourishment. Lily has the function of moistening the lungs, relieving cough, clearing the heart and calming the nerves, and can be directly cooked or boiled.

4. Lotus root

"Lotus is a treasure, and autumn lotus is the best supplement". In autumn, fresh lotus roots should be in the market. Eating lotus root at this time can nourish yin, clear heat, and calm the mind. Fresh lotus root has obvious effects of appetizing, clearing away heat, nourishing blood and supplementing qi, and can enhance human immunity.

2、 Lung nourishing recipe


1. Snow fungus, lily, lotus seed, spareribs soup:

Ingredients: 100g lily, 75g snow ear, 500g ribs.

Method: After cleaning the above materials, add water and boil them in a pot for 3 hours.

2. Stewed Bone Soup with Lotus Root

Ingredients: two fresh lotus roots, ginger, chives, one jujube, pig bone, salt, chives


1. Rinse the pig bones, put them into the pot with cold water, add some ginger slices, add them into the pig bones, boil them over high heat, remove the blood foam floating objects on the surface, use them to control the moisture for standby.

2. Peel the lotus root and slice it into pieces. Peel the ginger and pat it flat.

3. Add a pot of cold water, ginger and honey dates to boil, then add pig bones, boil for about 15 minutes, then turn to medium heat and continue to cook for 1 hour.

4. Pour in lotus root and boil it over high heat. Turn to medium heat and cook for about half an hour. Then turn to medium heat and slowly cook for about 1 hour until lotus root powder is glutinous. Season with salt and sprinkle with chives before eating.

3. Stewed Partridge with Northern and Southern Apricots and Sichuan Shellfish

Ingredients: 4g of apricot, 6g of scallop, 150g of partridge, and appropriate amount of ginger.

Decoction analysis: The north apricot tastes sweet and warm, while the south apricot tastes sweet but not bitter. It can relieve cough, relieve asthma, moisten the intestines and relieve constipation. The Sichuan shellfish tastes sweet and warm. It has the effect of resolving phlegm, relieving cough, clearing heat and dissipating stagnation. The sweet temperature of the partridge can dissipate phlegm and benefit the five internal organs. Together, it has the effect of resolving phlegm and relieving cough.


1. Clean the partridge and add ginger and scallion water to remove the fishy smell

2. With the cleaned apricots and scallops, put them into the stew cup, add 300ml of clear water, and stew them for 2 hours.

Lung nourishing porridge

1. Soy bean milk porridge:

Ingredients: 100g glutinous rice, 1000g soybean milk, and some white sugar.

How to do it: wash the glutinous rice and put it into a pot, add some water, boil it over a gentle fire, and then slowly boil it until the rice blossoms. Pour soymilk into it, continue to boil it for 10 minutes, and add some white sugar.

2. Chinese yam and almond porridge

Ingredients: 100g Chinese yam, 100g millet, 20g almond, and some butter.

Method: boiled yams, fried millet for noodles; Stir fry almonds until cooked. Peel and cut them into pieces. Cook porridge together.

Efficacy: invigorate the middle and qi, warm the middle and moisten the lung. It is suitable for patients with spleen deficiency and weak body, lung deficiency and chronic cough.

3. Duck porridge:

Ingredients: 250g glutinous rice, 150g duck meat, a little cooking wine and salt.

Method: Dice the duck first; Add water to glutinous rice to cook porridge, then add duck meat, a little cooking wine and salt, and cook until the porridge is cooked.

4. Pear porridge

Raw material: 2 pears, washed and chopped with belt core, 100g of japonica rice, and boiled porridge.

Because pears have a good drying effect, they can be used for porridge cooking, and can be used as health food to moisten the lungs. Note that pears should be washed before cooking, and do not need to be cored, but chopped.

This porridge has the function of promoting fluid, moistening dryness, relieving cough and resolving phlegm. It can not only be used to treat the symptoms of cough and phlegm, but also is a healthy diet for nourishing the lungs and moistening the lungs.

Sugar Water

1. Loquat syrup

Ingredients: 250g fresh loquat, moderate rock sugar


1. Prepare materials.

2. Rinse the loquat and remove the skin, core and white film around the core.

3. Water without loquat.

4. Turn the high heat to low heat and boil for about ten minutes.

5. Cook the loquat until soft, add some rock sugar, and cook until the rock sugar melts.

2. Lily Autumn Pear White Fungus Soup

Ingredients: pear, lily, tremella, medlar, rock sugar (found elsewhere, you can refer to it, put it up for your own collection)


1. Peel the pear, remove the core and cut into pieces, peel off the lily and wash it, and rinse the medlar with water;

2. Soak Tremella fuciformis in water for 2 hours, tear and cut the roots after soaking;

3. Put Tremella fuciformis in the pot, add sufficient water, boil it, turn to low heat and simmer for half an hour;

4. Add lily to stew for 15 minutes, and add pear to stew for another 15 minutes;

5. Add medlar and rock sugar until the rock sugar melts.

Indifferent to life 2024-06-20 11:08:37

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