Simple lazy actions can help you keep your skin healthy

Fan wind Ask questions on 2024-06-17 12:03:21
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Many friends will think that beauty and skin care are troublesome, but experts suggest that skin care is not a problem. Beauty experts tell you that learning some lazy actions can help you get good skin quality with no effort. The following details some skin care knowledge. If you are interested, you can try it.

Laziness 1: Do not exfoliate in winter

Some girls do a good job of beauty maintenance in summer and become lazy in winter. Exfoliation is completely put aside. Actually, not exfoliating in winter is still a way to protect skin.

Give you reasons for laziness: thin cutin and cutin damage are the main reasons for skin sensitivity, so the primary principle of maintenance is to protect the cutin from injury. In the cold winter, you should not pay too much attention to cleaning, especially if the skin is red.

Laziness II: wash your face with water occasionally

If you don't make up or just get up in the morning, you won't use any facial cleaning products any more, just simply wash your face with clean water. In fact, it is also good to give the skin a chance to self regulate occasionally.

Give you reasons for laziness: facial cleansers will more or less irritate your skin, and excessive cleaning of pores will also be more likely to produce blackheads or oil.

Laziness 3: use pure moisturizing cream

There are many effects of face cream, such as whitening, moisturizing and acne removing. Some girls only choose the simplest face cream for trouble. In fact, this is also a good choice for your cheeks.

Reason for your laziness: Modern cosmetics and maintenance products emphasize high efficiency, so its active ingredients must be able to penetrate the skin and act on the deep skin to produce high effects. The use of non curative products that do not increase the burden on the skin is the best way to restore the health of the skin.

Laziness IV: isolate and make foundation

Some girls with good skin simply use isolation or bb cream as foundation, which is actually a good phenomenon.

The reason for your laziness: our skin lacks the ability to defend against ultraviolet rays and is prone to aging. Therefore, we should pay attention to the use of sunscreen. Both isolation and bb cream have sunscreen effects. hit the mark by a fluke.

Laziness 5: No tweezers for eyebrow trimming

Some girls only scrape their eyebrows with a knife, not use tweezers to pull out the eyebrows one by one.

Give you a reason for laziness: In fact, often pulling with tweezers will make your skin loose, and it will be safer to scrape with a eyebrow trimmer.

The lazy action introduced today should not be underestimated. As long as you insist on using these skin care secrets, skin care will no longer be a problem. In fact, there are many secrets about beauty and skin care. As long as you use the right method, your skin will naturally be well maintained.

Fan wind 2024-06-20 10:57:58

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