Luffa Rose is an expert in freckle removal and beauty

To the past Ask questions at 19:37:13, June 18, 2024
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Spots have always been a problem we need to face in terms of beauty. When some skin care products do not help us much, we need to solve it by other methods, such as diet. Now let's follow the small editor to see what methods can be used to freckle it.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that chloasma and freckles are mostly caused by anxiety and depression, lack of temper, and stagnation of deficiency and heat. Therefore, when recuperating, we should follow the principles of soothing the liver and strengthening the spleen, nourishing the kidney and clearing away heat, regulating qi and blood. The most important thing is to always keep a happy mood and open mind. In terms of diet, avoid frying spicy and stimulating products, so as not to help fire injure yin and aggravate symptoms. Tomatoes, papaya and other melons and fruits are rich in pectin, which can reduce facial pigmentation. You may want to eat more every day. You can also eat some nourishing supplements such as pollen, lemon, tremella, bird's nest and so on.

In folk dietotherapy, there is a kind of "Qingshu beauty drink", which can lighten facial freckles. The materials are watermelon peel, snow fungus and mother of pearl. The three ingredients are boiled with water for about an hour, then filtered out the soup, mixed with white sugar, and then drunk. It is suitable for the tired face in summer, as well as the pigmentation of the face.

Many herbal teas sold on the market also have the effect of moisturizing and beautifying skin, such as rose tea, chrysanthemum tea, etc. Use rose and chrysanthemum, together with loofah, red dates and white poria cocos to make lean meat soup, which has the effect of pleasing the face and brightening the skin, and is very helpful to lighten freckles, chloasma and butterfly spots on the face.

Luffa Beauty Soup

Ingredients: two towel gourds, three coins each for rose, chrysanthemum and white poria cocos, ten red dates (cored), six liang lean meat, moderate seasoning.

Practice: remove the hard skin of loofah and cut it into pieces; Soak rose, chrysanthemum, white poria cocos with water; Lean meat slice; First, boil lean meat, red dates, white poria cocos and loofah with water for about an hour, then add roses, chrysanthemums and seasonings, and cook for a while.

Efficacy of dietotherapy: anti wrinkle and anti-inflammatory, beautify the face and remove spots.

White Fungus and Cherry Soup

Ingredients: two white fungus, two cherries, some rock sugar.

Method: Soak tremella in clean water; Clean the cherries and remove the stones; First, boil tremella with water for half an hour, then add rock sugar to dissolve it, finally add cherry, and cook for a while before eating.

Efficacy of dietotherapy: nourish qi and blood, whiten and tender skin.

When exposed to the sun, fair skinned people are particularly prone to develop dark spots, which annoys beautiful women. In the above, we recommend some methods that are conducive to freckle removal through some beauty soup, and hope that friends will pay more attention to them.

To the past 2024-06-20 11:00:25

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