Why are women jealous and good looking?

It's getting dark Ask questions at 19:49:50 on June 18, 2024
Recommended answer

Nowadays, women's jealousy is becoming more and more fashionable, not because of its flavoring function, but because of its special health care and beauty effects. Vinegar contains more than 20 kinds of amino acids and 16 kinds of organic acids. It not only has obvious inhibition and killing effect on 8 harmful microorganisms, such as staphylococcus, typhoid, dysentery, mold, etc., but also can reduce cholesterol, prevent arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction and other heart diseases, and prevent hypertension, calculus, improve liver function, etc. If a woman wants to look good, the key is to reduce the lipid peroxide in her body, which is not only the culprit of many diseases, but also the killer of beauty. Lipid peroxide is generated due to the excessive oxidation of fat (especially unsaturated fatty acids), which will destroy the cell membrane, cause nutrient supplement and waste removal obstacles, and reduce cell function. On the skin, it is manifested by the decline of metabolic capacity, loss of tension and elasticity, increase of wrinkles, degeneration of sebaceous glands and sweat glands that secrete oil, and growth of pigment and black spots. Lipid peroxide increases with age, and vinegar just has the effect of reducing lipid peroxide and inhibiting skin aging. It is said that the beauty of the Egyptian demon queen is closely related to vinegar. Its beauty secret is to drink vinegar with pearls dissolved every day, which shows the importance of vinegar for women.

It's getting dark 2024-06-20 11:08:33

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