Can atractylodes macrocephala and white vinegar remove freckles? How to soak and remove freckles

Cold cloud Ask on 2024-06-17 05:11:33
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Atractylodes macrocephala is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine with high medicinal value. It can also be used to make tea and drink health care. Can Atractylodes macrocephala and white vinegar remove spots? How does vinegar soak atractylodes macrocephala soak freckle?

Can atractylodes macrocephala and white vinegar remove freckles:

White vinegar soaked with atractylodes macrocephala can remove spots.

White vinegar can soften the cuticle, replenish skin moisture, inhibit melanin precipitation and reduce the formation of spots. Atractylodes macrocephala can enhance the metabolism of skin cells and promote the discharge of melanin. White vinegar soaked with atractylodes macrocephala can effectively remove spots and whiten skin.

If there are freckles and dark spots on the face, soak the atractylodes macrocephala in white vinegar, take the atractylodes macrocephala macrocephala to wipe the parts with freckles and dark spots after 7 days of sealing, use it every day, and the freckles and dark spots will gradually become lighter or even fade over time. The effect varies from person to person. It is recommended to use it without damaging the skin.

Because vinegar is acidic, it is easy to damage the skin's pH and damage the skin when used frequently. In fact, applying water mixed with atractylodes macrocephala, bletilla striata, paeonia lactiflora, northern and southern apricots and angelica powder can whiten and remove spots.

How to use vinegar to soak atractylodes macrocephala to remove spots:

1. Atractylodes macrocephala and white vinegar mask

Ingredients: appropriate amount of atractylodes macrocephala and white vinegar.

Method: Put atractylodes macrocephala and white vinegar together in a pot and boil them with low heat until boiling. After cooling, filter the dregs with sterile filter cloth, and retain the juice.

Usage: After washing the face, dip the mask paper in the medicine juice and apply the mask on the face. After about 20 minutes, rinse off with clean water.

Efficacy: Wipe the freckles on the face with the vinegar soaked in Atractylodes macrocephala for a long time, which has the effect of lightening, concealing and dispelling freckles.

2. Atractylodes macrocephala and white vinegar

Ingredients: 10g Atractylodes macrocephala powder, appropriate amount of water and white vinegar.

Method: Mix atractylodes macrocephala powder, water and white vinegar evenly.

Usage: Evenly smear it on the face after washing, or directly dip it with a cotton swab and dab it on the long spots, then wash it 30 minutes later.

Efficacy: Effectively remove freckles and black spots, and whiten skin.

Cold cloud 2024-06-20 10:52:08

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