What are the benefits of rose water for skin care

Warm and waiting, still beautiful Ask questions at 15:11:18, June 19, 2024
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Moisture is a big problem for skin maintenance in summer. Beauty and skin care experts believe that rose water is more suitable for our skin care in summer. After all, what are the benefits of rose water for skin care? Next, I will introduce rose water for you.

1. Purify skin

After using rose water in the morning, your skin will immediately feel softer, and the fragrance of rose water will make you feel refreshed. More importantly, rose water is actually a very good facial cleanser. To use, soak the cotton ball in rose water, and then wipe the whole face. You will see dust, dirt, and even makeup can be removed.

2. Natural toner

We all know that the basic skin care procedures are cleaning, recuperation and moisturizing. Rose water is not only clean, it is a pure natural product with two functions of cleaning and moisturizing. Dry skin, mixed skin and oily skin can all benefit from rose water. Rose water really makes skin softer and gives skin healthy luster.

3. Reduce redness and swelling

If your skin is a little red after being exposed to the sun for too long, the anti inflammation properties of rose water will cool down and eliminate redness and swelling.

4. Reduce defects

Do you have nasty spots, blackheads and pimples on your face? Use rose water regularly and mix with fresh lemon juice. Rose water can also reduce dark circles under the eyes. Because the skin around your eyes is very delicate, you must be very careful. Rose water is one of the few substances, which is mild and safe and can be used frequently. The exciting aroma will also help you get a good night's sleep.

5. Hair root nutrient solution

Now, due to the rising level of pollution, dark, dry hair is everyone's problem. Try rubbing some rose water in your hair for about an hour, and then wash it off. If your hair is particularly dry or dry, mix rose water type oils for your skin and hair. You can also use rose water instead of conditioner. After washing your hair, just massage it with your rose water. This will make hair softer and brighter, and will also promote hair growth.

6. Mouthwash

This is a little-known secret of using rose water. It is unbelievable that rose water has antibacterial properties, which can help eliminate bad breath caused by bacteria. Rinse with rose water to bring fresh breath, anti inflammation properties, will help any oral pain.

7. Relieve pressure

The fragrance of roses makes you feel relaxed. Take a hot bath and soak rose petals in it. Reading a good book will make you feel very comfortable. Put rose water in a small spray bottle and put it in the refrigerator. Spray some on and you will feel refreshed immediately.

How to make rose water

One liter of distilled water. 6 cups rose petals. Heat the two ingredients in a pan until the water boils. Lower the flame and fry until the rose is pink and pour into the water. Your rose water is ready. Let it cool and store the filtered rose petals and water in a clean container. Keep it in the refrigerator for a longer shelf life.

Warm and waiting, still beautiful 2024-06-20 10:56:51

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