How does a 35 year old woman maintain her skin

Leaves fall to soothe the dust Ask on 2024-06-18 21:52:19
Recommended answer

Age is something that women care about. Age is also their natural enemy. Older women have to lament that their skin is getting looser and worse. At the age of 30 or 35, women will pay special attention to their skin care. So how does a 35 year old woman maintain her skin?

1. Get up in the morning and drink a glass of lemon honey water on an empty stomach. The beauty effect of honey on women's skin is believed to be clear to those who pay a little attention to beauty. While lemon beauty experts abroad call it beauty fruit. They believe that lemon juice can clean and beautify the skin, prevent and eliminate the deposition of skin pigment (that is, remove spots), and make the skin smooth and delicate. Therefore, if you wipe the facial skin with lemon slices every night before going to bed, it can improve and eliminate the grease, dirt and blemishes on the face, and can improve wrinkles. Make a mask with egg white and lemon juice, which can firm the skin and remove the yellow gas, making the face glow. In addition, it used to massage nails with lemon juice at least once a week, which has the effect of firming nails. It is recommended to drink more lemonade after going home.

2. Make a pot of Pu'er tea. Pu'er tea also has the effect of reducing fat and weight. It allows smooth excretion. Not diarrhea, but regular, 1-2 times a day, after drinking one or two cups, I feel like going to the toilet. Women's digestive system is much weaker than men's, so women are more likely to suffer from constipation. This is the enemy of women's beauty: think about how much garbage is piled in the body, which is definitely harmful to health. Therefore, excretion is very important.

3. Do some important maintenance with proper skin care products. Compared with the maintenance of the previous two diets, the benefit of skin care products is that they can take effect quickly, even if wrinkles have appeared, they can also be quickly removed.

What are the 35 year old beauties waiting for? Take time to take care of your skin! The skin is your own, so if you don't take the time to maintain it now, it will be too late when it loses its vitality. Now hurry up, plan your own maintenance plan, and give yourself a young and energetic skin.

Leaves fall to soothe the dust 2024-06-20 11:11:30

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