Can I use skin care products for acne? What skin care products can I use

Smile no matter how hard it is Ask questions on 2024-06-19 15:24:15
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Speaking of this pimple, it really kills people. There is a bulge on such a smooth face, which is not happy at all. Can you use skin care products for pimples? What skin care products can be used for acne:

Can skin care products be used for acne:

You can use some skin care products selectively. Emulsions for moisturizing, hydrating and oil controlling can be used, as can makeup water, toner and firming water. However, the less alcohol is used, the better. In principle, it should not exceed 5%. Try not to use powder cosmetics with whitening effect.

The medical skin care products between cosmetics and skin care products are most suitable for people with acne. Medical skin care products are a new field, because they not only have the skin care effect of ordinary cosmetics, but also have the drug therapeutic effect that ordinary cosmetics do not have, and also have no dependence on ordinary drugs. At present, the first case of acne medical skin care products in China has been heard in the market, and it has passed clinical trials in Shanghai Huashan Dermatology Hospital, and is normally put into the medical market. It is safe and not circulated in beauty salons and supermarkets. It is only used for clinical treatment in hospitals under the guidance of doctors. This is undoubtedly a choice for daily care of acne patients.

What skin care products can be used for acne:

1. Cleansing

It is suggested that you can use three kinds of face cleaning options, one is sulfur soap, one is horny cleanser, and the other is deep cleanser.

2. Cleansing rules

Cleansing is very important. The above three cannot be used on the same day, but you need to arrange your time. For example, if you wash it with sulfur soap on Monday, you should use it on Wednesday to clean the cutin. Other times, deep cleaning is used.

4. Cleansing reasons

Although sulfur soap has a certain disinfection effect, it cannot be used for a long time because it is toxic and will deposit on the face if used for a long time. The same is true for horniness. People's face and skin still need horniness. If cleaned every day, the horniness will be destroyed and the skin will age prematurely. In depth, it is recommended to use it all day long.

5. Facial oil

There are too many face oils, but the advice for people with acne is that it is better not to choose cosmetics containing a lot of grease or alcohol. Generally, it is recommended that you choose a face oil with strong water locking effect.

6. Facial oil composition

As for the facial oil, I suggest that you choose the facial oil containing oleic acid, because oleic acid is a repair function for the skin itself, and has the effect of cleaning and repairing acne.

7. Nightwear

In fact, I generally do not recommend you to use night products. However, I still found night products recently. In fact, if you use them correctly, the effect of acne treatment is very good. That is to choose a night use wash free mask containing fruit acid.

8. Usage process

After completely cleaning the skin, apply the night mask on your face without cleaning. You can go online, chat, or do other things. When you want to sleep, you can sleep. The next day, you can clean it. The next day, you will find your skin is fine.

9. Final recommendation

If you want to keep your skin from getting pimples or make your pimples disappear quickly, I suggest you take some white vinegar on your body when you are free. In this way, when you have time, you can even it on the palm of your hand, and then pat your face. The effect is quite good.

Skin care products can be used for acne, but not all skin care products can be used. Remember this.

Smile no matter how hard it is 2024-06-20 10:51:29

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