How much is a box of Jingrun Pearl Powder for acne removal

Once the love dead Ask questions on June 19, 2024-19:38:01
Recommended answer

Jingrun pearl powder has a very high cost performance ratio. It can be used in many ways. It can be taken externally or eaten. How does Jingrun Pearl Powder remove acne? How much is a box?

How to remove acne with Jingrun pearl powder:

Acne removing: pearl powder egg white, pearl powder Jingrun pearl acne removing essence

1. The pearl powder of Jingrun Pearl has been used all the time, and the acne removal effect is particularly good. Apply it the first night, and it will disappear the next morning. This time, I will buy more to make a mask, and I hope it will be whiter. In the future, the cosmetics will gradually be replaced by Jingrun Pearl, because the free water and eye cream are very good, and the mask has been used before, which is also good. This time, I also gave the mask as a gift. Thanks, there are really many gifts.

2. The powder is very delicate, very comfortable to use, and very familiar in taste. It should be given to my dearest mother. My mother said that she ate a lot of pearl powder when she was pregnant in order to whiten my skin. It was not good for pregnant women to take pearl powder during pregnancy, but my mother still ate it. My mother is a great mother, she gave me a white skin. I love her very much. My mother's face is getting yellow now. I hope Jingrun Pearl Pearl Powder can help my mother turn white.

How much is a box of Jingrun Pearl Powder:

1. Nano pure pearl powder: 100g173

2. Water soluble pearl powder (pregnant women and children): 0.25g * 4046 yuan

3. Shangpin Pearl Powder: 0.6d * 40 bottles 318 yuan

5. Pure pearl powder (sea water): 10g * 2 boxes, 41 yuan

7. Pure pearl powder: 20g * 2 boxes

8. Seawater pearl layer powder: 50g * 2 bags 33 yuan

9. Pearl powder capsules (seawater): 0.3g * 20 capsules * 4 boxes, 127 yuan

10. Pearl powder capsule (fresh water): 0.3g * 20 capsules * 4 boxes RMB 117

11. Jingrun Calcium Capsule: 0.3g * 80 capsules RMB 43

12. Jingrun Capsule: 0.3g * 10 capsules * 3 boxes, RMB 71

14. Pearl Beauty Capsule: 0.3g * 60 capsules RMB 153

15. Pearl safflower capsule (single box): 0.45g * 60 capsules 142 yuan

16. Pearl safflower capsule (double box): 0.45g * 60 capsules * 2 boxes 142 yuan

17. Pearl VC lozenges (bottled) 0.7g * 50 pieces * 2 bottles RMB 76

18. Pearl VC lozenges (boxed) 0.7g * 12 pieces * 10 boxes RMB 98

19. Pearl Kuding Tea Buccal Tablets (bottled) "0.75 g * 50 tablets * 2 bottles 75 yuan

20. Pearl Kuding Tea Buccal Tablets (boxed) "0.75 g * 12 pieces * 10 boxes 99 yuan

Once the love dead 2024-06-20 10:52:52

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