Is bathing good in the morning or at night? Several wrong bathing methods, be careful

lead a fast Ask questions on 2024-06-19 05:41:19
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For bathing in the morning or at night, different people may have different habits. There has always been a dispute about whether it is better to take a bath in the morning or at night. In fact, there is no difference between the two. As long as it conforms to personal habits, there is no harm.

For some people, taking a bath in the morning can help them wake up and keep energetic to welcome the new day. Although most people in our country are accustomed to taking a bath at night, taking a bath in the morning will not bring any harm, and it can also wash away the grease and sweat secreted by the body at night.

Most people choose to take a bath at night. This habit is suitable for most people, because many people can wash away the dust they bring to their bodies after a hard day's work. At the same time, the sweat secreted after a day's activities will also increase, and the muscles will be easy to fatigue. Bathing can play a role in cleaning and relaxing.

In short, the choice of early or late mainly depends on personal habits and the nature of work.

However, not all time periods are suitable for bathing, and not all bathing methods are correct. Some bad bathing habits may bring some harm to the body.

1、 Take a bath immediately after dinner. I believe many people have already heard that it is not suitable to take a bath after dinner, but most people do not know its principle. This statement is based on science, because the blood of the human body is mainly concentrated in the stomach after eating, which is used to promote the digestion of food.

If you take a bath at this time, hot water and heat will cause large pores, and blood will be concentrated on the skin and muscles. At this time, the blood concentrated on the stomach will be greatly reduced, and the ability to digest will be reduced, which will lead to indigestion. Long term cultivation of this bad habit will cause some damage to our digestive system.

2、 Take a bath immediately after exercise. Because exercise makes people sweat a lot, many people like to wash their sweat off immediately after exercise to relieve discomfort. This is not appropriate. Because the human body will be in a state of accelerated metabolism after exercise, and at the same time, the heart rate is usually fast. When taking a bath, the hot gas will easily expand the blood vessels, and the blood flow will also speed up, which will speed up the heart rate to a certain extent.

In addition, people need to supplement a large amount of oxygen in the process of bathing, which may exceed the human body's tolerance due to tachycardia, and may easily lead to the risk of hypoxia coma.

Therefore, you should rest for at least half an hour after exercise, and take a bath after your heartbeat and breathing become calm.

3、 Shower too often. Some people may be overly sensitive to dust due to cleanliness or psychological reasons, or take many baths in a day because they are prone to sweating. Some people even have to take a bath after going out, otherwise they will think their bodies are not clean enough.

However, the high frequency of bathing also has a negative impact on people. The direct impact of excessive bathing is that the cuticle of the skin becomes thinner, which makes the skin easily congested and even vulnerable to external damage. At the same time, repeated cleaning will reduce the amount of oil that plays a protective role on the skin, and the skin will be prone to dryness and water shortage, which will make the skin worse. Therefore, taking a bath once a day is the best frequency.

In a word, bad habits should be avoided in bathing, otherwise it will have a certain impact on the health of the body. At the same time, the right water temperature should be selected for bathing. It should not be too hot or too cold, and it should be 40 degrees. In addition, the bath time should not be too long, generally not more than 30 minutes, otherwise a long time is likely to cause heart ischemia or hypoxia.

lead a fast 2024-06-20 11:09:11

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