Skillfully use physiological period to improve skin color

Old people don't return Ask questions on June 17, 2024-15:38:02
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Many girls believe that in their physiological period, their bad skin color is caused by ischemia. In fact, beauty and skin care experts believe that the physiological period is the golden period for women to improve their skin color. As long as you pay attention to skin maintenance in this period, you can easily have a good skin color.

One or two days before physiological period

Skin characteristics: the sebaceous glands secrete significantly and vigorously, resulting in excessive oil, reduced skin gloss and loss of transparency

Maintenance tips: reduce skin care procedures and products

The exuberant sebum secretion will not only lead to sebum blocking the pores of hair, but also easy to form melanin pigment, which will increase the number of black spots. When you find that the oil secretion suddenly becomes strong one or two days before menstruation, you should change the maintenance products you are using and replace them with some degreasing ones. You can apply an extra layer of essence to balance the oil secretion on the "t" part with more oil than usual.

In physiological period

Skin features: increased sensitivity, prone to acne, dark yellow face, no color

Maintenance tips: low irritation skin care products, mild exfoliation

Menstrual skin is more sensitive and prone to allergic reactions, so maintenance should start from two aspects of reducing irritation and nutrition. Avoid using too many cosmetics, and try to use cosmetics that are not easy to cause allergic reactions, or cosmetics that have been used at ordinary times without allergic reactions. During this period, cells fall off and renew faster than usual, so it is necessary to gently exfoliate to prevent the skin from becoming dark and yellow. Using oily facial cleanser to remove waste cutin can reduce the irritation to the skin.

Within 7 days after the end of physiological period

Skin features: the skin begins to recover its elasticity and can quickly absorb nutrients

Maintenance tips: seize the opportunity to deeply remove the yellow gas

The week after the end of menstrual period is a period of vigorous estrogen secretion in the body, and also a time when skin metabolism is the fastest and nutrients are best absorbed. It is advisable to seize these days to supply deeper nutrients to the skin, and boldly use high-quality nutrients, such as whitening mask, activating mask, high-performance moisturizing essence, etc!

Old people don't return 2024-06-20 10:58:23

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