What is the pain in one breast

Untroubled ronin Ask questions at 14:35:51, June 19, 2024
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Breast is the symbol of women. Breast health has always been the focus of women's attention. However, with the increase of age, many women find that their breasts have various problems, such as breast pain. It can be said that every woman has had breast pain, but sometimes it is menstrual pain that does not need our attention, But if it is a breast pain, we need to pay attention to it. What is the specific side of breast pain?

Generally speaking, if there is sudden, persistent and severe pain in the breast with obvious tenderness, it is considered to be various acute infectious diseases of the breast; If pulsatile pain occurs locally, it may be suppurated locally. If the breast pain is paroxysmal, and it often starts to ache before menstruation or the pain after menstruation gets worse, it can be relieved or disappeared after menstruation, it is considered as premenstrual tension syndrome. Pain is distended or acupuncture like, sometimes it can be pulled to the same side of the armpit or shoulder back. If there is mild to moderate tenderness locally, it is considered as proliferative disease.

If the nipple is severely painful and cracked during lactation, it may be the chapped nipple caused by sucking and biting the nipple or incorrect sucking posture. If the breast pain is only mild dull pain or dull pain, with no obvious regularity, only sporadic or paroxysmal, and some are persistent, and often ignored because the pain is not obvious, such breast pain may also be a signal of early breast malignant disease, which should cause enough attention. Even sometimes there is no obvious pain in the breast, but only pain in one side of the armpit or shoulder and back. There is also the possibility of malignant diseases. These subtle changes should not be ignored easily.

If there is severe and persistent burning pain in the breast, which is progressive and difficult to relieve by itself, and accompanied by local mass collapse and necrosis or surgical wound and surrounding skin collapse, it is breast pain in the late stage of malignant disease.

In addition, some women also have breast pain when they are breast inflating. This is a physiological condition, and it should be differentiated from breast pain caused by diseases.

In a word, when breast pain occurs, don't panic or be careless. Think that breast pain is not a big deal, and just go through it; There are also some women who are shy, feel pain in their breasts and are embarrassed to see a doctor. These are incorrect understandings. Attention should be paid to the changes in the breast, even if it is very slight breast pain, because breast pain may be a symptom of many breast diseases, or even a sign of breast cancer.

After knowing what's wrong with breast pain, in order to better protect our breasts, we recommend women friends to do some breast health care at ordinary times, such as wearing a bra suitable for themselves, paying attention to regular breast examinations, etc. These are all what we should do to protect our breasts. Only in this way can we reduce the incidence of breast diseases, Only then can we have healthy breasts.

Untroubled ronin 2024-06-20 11:10:49

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