How to maintain neutral skin

Like a besieged city Ask on 2024-06-19 06:16:51
Recommended answer

The skin texture is basically divided into four categories: oily, dry, sensitive and neutral. Neutral skin is neither dry nor greasy. The sweat glands and sebaceous glands are excreted smoothly, and the surface is smooth and delicate. It has a certain tolerance to external wind, sun and other stimuli. It is the healthiest and easiest to maintain among the four types of skin. However, even if you have good skin naturally, if you do not take good care of it the day after tomorrow, neutral skin will become dry or oily. The following small editor will teach you how to care for neutral skin in daily life?

1. Cleaning

For neutral skin, a wide range of cleansing products can be selected, including hydrogel, solid or liquid cleanser. However, it is best to wash your face with hydrophilic cleanser, and apply it to your face with the action of drawing a circle by hand. Be sure to rinse it off. Because the residue on the skin will affect the penetration of skin care products into the stratum corneum.

2. Moisturizing work

It is best to moisten the skin with cotton pad and gently wipe the skin. The purpose of the lotion is to remove the residual cleanser residue, moisturize and balance the pH value of the skin. For normal skin, use lotion containing 5% - 10% alcohol.

3. Daily maintenance

There is a wide range of day creams for daytime neutral skin, but it is better to choose products that can help supplement and maintain the water and lipid membrane on the skin surface. In the evening, you must use eye cream or eye gel, gently apply the eye cream with your fingertips, and then gently make a round slide from the outside to the inside. Night cream can choose a relatively refreshing emulsion product.

4. Special maintenance

Lip Gel can protect skin and prevent ultraviolet rays. Use it early, late, and before applying lipstick. Do a skin scrub once a month to remove the aging cuticle.

39 Health Net kindly reminds us that skin care products should be selected according to the changes of climate and environment when maintaining neutral skin. Generally, emulsion skin care cream should be selected in summer to ensure the freshness of the skin. In autumn and winter, skin care products with a slightly higher oil content can be selected to prevent dry and rough skin. If the neutral skin is not properly cared for, it will become dry skin after middle age. At this time, attention should be paid to nursing dry skin.

Like a besieged city 2024-06-20 10:59:11

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