How to maintain a 43 year old woman

Taste life Ask on 2024-06-17 02:06:45
Recommended answer

In many cases, women need maintenance, so that they can have a proud appearance and posture. Therefore, maintenance is particularly important, especially for middle-aged and elderly women. How should a 43 year old woman carry out maintenance? Now let's invite experts to introduce this problem.

People should be responsible for their own appearance Long ago, there was a beautiful peasant woman who threw acid on her face in order to get rid of the tyrants and destroyed her own appearance. Apart from this extreme example, it is seldom heard that a person wants to become ugly. In fact, most people, especially women, have done the act of the farmer's wife at some time in their life. When they are helpless like the farmer's wife, they decorate their faces with acne, or paint a pair of black circles under their eyes with melancholy dark color, or drop a pair of tired bags under their eyes to express their rejection.

These defects may last for a week, a summer, or the whole period of adolescence and menopause. There must be many people who do not believe this and would rather listen to the explanation of "endocrine disorder" and vainly apply ointment and skin care products on their faces. The endocrine view is not bad. It would be better if we could further see the underlying causes. A girl blushed. We said that she was caused by a large amount of blood pouring into the facial capillaries, which obviously ignored the deep reason why the girl blushed.

Taste life 2024-06-20 11:10:46

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