Sixteen life habits that make women beautiful

be cynical Ask on 2024-06-17 09:12:48
Recommended answer

1. Drink water regularly. About 2 liters of water a day. Take a bath and take care of your skin every day.
2. Keep sexual pleasure. A British academic survey report points out that sexual pleasure between men and women contributes to youth. Couples with a happy sex life look 10 years younger than their peers. Female friends can use Amy Eyre's Manual to help you. Weikes, a neuropsychologist at Royal Edinburgh Hospital, said that sexual pleasure is an important factor in maintaining youth. It makes people happy and can secrete chemicals that are beneficial to health.
3. Ensure sleep. Regular life can restore people's spirit and physical strength immediately. If you don't sleep at night, your skin will easily have problems, which may take a month to solve.
4. Keep fit. Your swollen body and fat will make you look old.
5. Raise your chest and head. The doctor from the University of Missouri said, "Raising your head will make you look younger. And raising your head can also reduce the chances of getting sick." When you raise your head and straighten your waist, your chest will be erect, and your vital capacity can increase by 20% to 50%. If you breathe more air, your body tissues will get more oxygen. When a person gets more oxygen supply, his body is not easily tired. At the same time, raising your head can also reduce lumbar pain, because the posture of raising your chest will reduce the curvature of the spine.
6. Maintain sufficient estrogen. Feminine hormone is a woman's best friend. It makes people look younger - it can not only stop aging, but also reverse the physiological clock and restore youth. Ludwig, University of Erlangen, Germany. Wilt and Teresa. Sir Peterman estimated the age of 100 women who came to a clinic and compared their guesses with the actual age of these women and the estrogen level in their menstrual blood.
In an article published in the Lancet medical journal, Wilt and Petersman said: "In our opinion, women with higher estrogen levels appear younger, while women with lower estrogen levels appear older than their actual age. Women with sufficient and balanced hormones in their bodies can look 15-20 years younger than their actual age in appearance." But people have different views on estrogen. For example, some people are willing to take estrogen for life, but others are unwilling, and they are at risk of breast cancer. But anyway, higher estrogen levels do make women younger. As for the method, it depends on your own choice.
7. Avoid more contact with those who are naturally depressed. So as not to affect their emotions.
8. Keep yourself fresh about new things outside. With such an attitude and mood of life, people can look energetic.
9. Don't deliberately imitate the words of those young students and try to make yourself young. There is a difference between youth and childishness. The artificial imitation will only lead to the suspicion and confusion of outsiders.
10. Try to understand your physical symptoms. Prevention is better than treatment. Knowing your health status and early prevention or treatment can avoid the possibility of disease deterioration.
11. Apply some products containing vitamin C. Keep your face ruddy and energetic even without lipstick.
12. Take vitamins every day. For example, cabbage, cabbage and peanut containing vitamin C and E can help to dilute and decompose the formed melanin, inhibit the newborn melanin, prevent melanin precipitation, and accelerate the excretion of melanin from the epidermis or through the blood.
13. Not addicted to alcohol and tobacco. Smokers have wrinkles 10 years earlier than non-smokers. The most obvious thing is that the lips will lose water due to smoking, which will make the lips become yellow and dry, with lip lines.
14. Proper exercise can speed up blood circulation. It helps cells absorb oxygen. Aerobic exercise for 20-30 minutes each time, 3-5 times a week, will make skin ruddy and young.
15. Do not use overheated water for bathing. It will take away the oil on the skin surface and make the skin aging ahead of time due to lack of moisture.
16. Try to reduce the external pressure. Maintaining a calm mind is conducive to maintaining physical and mental health.

be cynical 2024-06-20 10:59:27

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