How much is the price of porcelain lipstick

Like flowers but not flowers Ask questions on 2024-06-18 18:37:49
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Porcelain makeup became popular instantly. Many people know this brand. This porcelain makeup was used by Wu Xin. How much is the price of porcelain lipstick? What is the color test of Wu Xin's porcelain makeup:

What is the price of porcelain lipstick:

Listing time: 2015

Month: May

Shelf life of cosmetics: 36 months

Date range of limited use: March 1, 2018 to February 1, 2019

Color classification: Wu Xin

Specification type: normal specification

Brand: porcelain makeup

Product name: Bangran Xindong Beauty Lip Cover

Efficacy: Other effects

Origin: China

Shelf life: 3 years

Suitable for: any skin type

Price: ¥ 78.00

Wu Xin, same style, red color test:

Arm color test

Lipstick color test

That's all for the color test of porcelain lipstick and the same color as Wu Xin's. Come and try porcelain lipstick.

Like flowers but not flowers 2024-06-20 11:03:04

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