Easily remove freckles is a natural food

bright moon and cool breeze Ask on 2024-06-19 05:00:46
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Everyone hopes to have a ruddy and clean face, because it not only gives people a sense of beauty, but also makes them mentally happy and beneficial to physical and mental health. However, some people have many brown freckles on their faces, and this phenomenon is more common in women than in men. So what's the best way to remove it? Easily remove freckles is a natural food.

Among natural foods, there are many kinds of foods that have the effects of maintaining skin and eliminating freckles. This article introduces several effective dietotherapy methods verified by clinical practice.

Easily removing freckles is a natural food. Tomato juice: drink 1 cup of tomato juice every day or eat tomatoes regularly, which has a good effect on preventing freckles. Because tomatoes are rich in vitamin c, they are known as the "warehouse of vitamin c". Vitamin C can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase in the skin, effectively reduce the formation of melanin, thus making the skin white and tender, and the black spots disappear.

Easy freckle removal is a natural food. Cucumber porridge: 100g rice, 300g fresh cucumber, 2g refined salt, 10g ginger. Rinse the cucumber, peel and cut into thin slices. Wash the rice and ginger. Add about 1000 ml of water into the pot, put it on the fire, add rice and ginger, boil it over a fierce fire, then slowly cook it over a slow fire until the rice is rotten, then add cucumber slices, and then boil it until the soup is thick, and add refined salt for seasoning. Warm clothes twice a day can moisturize the skin, remove spots and lose weight. Modern scientific research has proved that cucumber contains rich potassium salt and a certain amount of carotene, vitamin c, vitamin b1, vitamin b2, sugar, protein, mustard, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. Eating cucumber porridge regularly can eliminate freckles and whiten skin.

Easily remove freckles is a natural food. Lemon icing sugar juice: stir the lemon juice and add some icing sugar to drink. Lemon is rich in vitamin c, and 100 grams of lemon juice can contain up to 50 mg of vitamin c. In addition, it also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron and b vitamins. Regular drinking of lemon juice can not only whiten and tender skin, prevent skin vascular aging, eliminate facial pigment spots, but also prevent and treat arteriosclerosis.

Easily remove freckles is a natural food. Black fungus and red jujube soup: take 30g black fungus and 20 red dates. Wash the black fungus, remove the pit of red dates, add some water, and boil for about half an hour. Once a day after breakfast and dinner. If taken regularly, it can stop the face and remove spots, strengthen and enrich the muscles, and be used to treat facial black spots and thin shape. The black fungus in this recipe can remove the black spots on the surface according to the Compendium of Materia Medica. Black fungus can moisturize skin and prevent skin aging; Jujube and Zhongyiqi, invigorate the spleen and moisturize the skin, and help auricularia auricula remove black spots.

Easy freckle removal is a natural food. Carrot juice: grind fresh carrots and squeeze juice. Take 10-30ml. After washing your face in the morning and evening every day, pat your face with fresh juice. After drying, gently pat your face with a hand coated with vegetable oil. In addition, drinking a cup of carrot juice every day also has the effect of freckle removal. Because carrots are rich in provitamin a. Provitamin a can be converted into vitamin a in the body. Vitamin a can smooth and strengthen the skin, and prevent rough skin and freckles.

In addition, boiled water with wax gourd vine can be used to wipe your face and bathe, which can moisturize your skin and eliminate freckles. Calendula leaf juice also has the effect of skin care and spot removal. Smash the marigold leaves and apply the juice on the face, which can not only eliminate freckles, but also refresh and whiten the skin. Dandelion flower water can also be used to remove spots. Take a handful of dandelion, pour a cup of boiling water, cool it, filter it, and then wash your face with dandelion flower water in the morning and evening, which can clean your face and reduce dermatitis.

bright moon and cool breeze 2024-06-20 11:00:14

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