Skin care at midnight

Indifferent Enron Ask questions at 17:13:03, 2024-06-17
Recommended answer

Medical research shows that the metabolism of human epidermal cells is most active from midnight to 2am. During this period, some wastes and toxic substances in the body will be eliminated from the body through the skin.

1. Bathing

When you can't fall asleep, it's better to enjoy a bath before sleep, which will naturally increase the body temperature, smooth the blood circulation, promote the blood flow speed and water pressure, accelerate the metabolism of the whole body, completely relax every inch of the skin, and improve your mood. Especially in the dry weather in autumn and winter, it is most appropriate to take a day of scented bath at home.

2. Multiple mirrors

Repeatedly make your best expression in the mirror, so that you will fall asleep in a good mood.

3. Listen to music

Before going to bed, you can listen to music to immerse yourself in the tranquil and soft artistic conception created by music, so that your spirit and skin can be well relaxed, and it can increase the absorption capacity of skin to maintenance products, which has a good maintenance effect on the skin.

4. Drink milk

Before going to bed, you can also drink a glass of milk. The rich calcium and tryptophan contained in milk can make people's muscles relax well. Milk contains two substances that can help people sleep. These two substances can bind to the central nerve or peripheral opioid receptors, giving people a comfortable feeling and helping them sleep and relieve fatigue. Milk is especially suitable for gods. For better sleep, you should choose silk or cotton bedding; It is better to keep the indoor temperature about 20 ℃; The sleeping position should be supine or right side.

Indifferent Enron 2024-06-20 10:59:11

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