How to treat hair loss caused by kidney deficiency

travel all the time Ask questions on May 8, 2024-19:24:33
Recommended answer

Kidney deficiency leads to hair loss. You need to go to the hospital for examination, clear diagnosis, and targeted treatment. Kidney deficiency is divided into kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency. If hair loss is caused by kidney yin deficiency, you can take Zhibai Dihuang Pill and Liuwei Dihuang Pill for conditioning under the guidance of a doctor. If hair loss is caused by kidney yang deficiency, you can take Yougui Pill or Jinkui Shenqi Pill to regulate it. Kidney deficiency leads to hair loss. In addition to medication under the guidance of doctors, attention should be paid to conditioning in daily life. On the diet, you can eat more foods with the function of tonifying the kidney, such as black beans, black rice, black sesame and black fungus.

travel all the time 2024-05-13 11:22:48

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