What's the matter with acne on your face when you are pregnant

Fireworks swamp Ask on April 20, 2024 08:19:42
Recommended answer

The acne on the face during pregnancy may be related to the changes in hormone levels during pregnancy. In addition, acne on the face after pregnancy may also be related to mental stress during pregnancy, endocrine disorders, etc. Due to the special pregnancy period, it is recommended that patients should go to a regular hospital for inspection, find out the causes, and then recuperate under the guidance of the doctor. If necessary, patients can also use drugs under the guidance of the doctor for treatment. It is not recommended that patients use drugs on their own to avoid adverse effects on the fetus and themselves due to improper use. In daily life, it is suggested that patients should pay attention to rest and avoid staying up late and overwork.

Fireworks swamp 2024-04-28 11:10:40

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