What is leucorrhea yellow with peculiar smell

Heroes have dreams Ask questions at 09:14:58, May 8, 2024
Recommended answer

The yellow color and peculiar smell of female leucorrhea are caused by gynecological inflammation, such as vaginitis, pelvic inflammation, cervicitis and other gynecological diseases. A single symptom can not determine which kind of gynecological inflammation it is. It also needs to go through some gynecological examinations such as leucorrhea routine examination, B ultrasound, colposcopy, etc., and treat it after the cause is confirmed. If you have gynecological inflammation, you must pay attention to your personal hygiene. You need to change your underwear frequently. If you have leucorrhea, you can use lotion to clean local secretions, combined with vaginal medication. If it is caused by cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease and other diseases, it can be combined with oral anti-inflammatory drug treatment, reduce the consumption of spicy food, and do not have sex during treatment.

Heroes have dreams 2024-05-13 11:05:26

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