Whether repeated dishwashing with detergent is harmful to human health

Half step vicissitudes Ask on 2024-06-07 02:59:33
Recommended answer

Repeated use of detergent to wash dishes may cause certain harm to human body. The following is a detailed description:

1. Chemical composition: detergent contains some chemical components, such as surfactant, phosphate, etc. These ingredients may cause irritation, allergy and other adverse reactions to human body at high concentrations.

2. Residual problem: if the detergent is not completely cleaned and remains on the tableware, long-term use may lead to the accumulation of toxins, causing chronic harm to human body.

3. Skin problems: Repeated use of detergent to wash dishes may cause irritation, dryness and other problems to the hand skin, and may even cause skin inflammation.

4. Harm to the environment: Phosphate and other components in the detergent will pollute the water source, affect the water quality, and cause harm to the environment.

Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points when using detergent:

1. Choose the detergent with low irritation and environmental protection, and avoid using products containing harmful chemical ingredients.

2. Wash the dishes thoroughly to avoid residue.

3. After washing dishes with detergent for a long time, pay attention to the protection of hand skin, such as applying hand cream.

4. Try to reduce the frequency of using detergent, and choose other cleaning methods, such as using dishwasher.

Half step vicissitudes 2024-06-11 11:41:17

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